Saturday, October 04, 2008

I'm tired of idiots

A long time ago I had a fight with a friend, I wanted to settle down in the US and she thought that the country was the den of iniquity, with pre-marital sex and other “sinful” activities. I, being brought up on a steady diet of cartoons, novels, TV serials like Small Wonder and parental advice thought that the streets in US are paved in gold.
Now I’m 23 and I look back on that day and think I was a fool. Not that I feel that it is a den of iniquity like my friend but because I feel it is a very narrow minded country, a country which has failed to keep up with the times and a country whose people have little or no idea about the outside world.
Many of you maybe surprised because I call it a narrow minded country, strong words from a person whose country “burns widows” , but I have no other words to describe a country which still debates abortion ( a basic choice I feel every woman should have), whether or not to teach their kids the Theory of Evolution, whether a woman can hold any important role in the government and where they have weird things like Purity Balls where girls as young as 14 (an age when you still don’t know right from wrong) pledge in front of their fathers (in a very freaky wedding like situation) to remain virgins until they marry.
They say we consider our women to be second class citizens, I disagree, true, gender bias is one of the most rampant social evils in our country and women do not feel safe, but tell me are they safe in US?? Are they not molested, teased, harassed?? Are they not shoved into polygamous sects?? If women in our country are 2nd class citizens then why have we been given the right to vote since our democracy came into being?? Why have we had a woman Prime Minister, President and a Vice President?? We’ve had minorities taking office in our country (we’ve been ruled by Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus) in a democracy that is only 60 years old while 400 year old democracies still debate about a black president (the only minority contender so far). Their woman VP candidate is a joke. She has 5 kids!! 5 can you imagine?? (Ok Rabri has 9 but she isn’t standing for VP). One of the kids is 17 and is pregnant!! What joy!!! She can’t control her kids and wants to control the country!! And she is against abortion (I can guess why, after having 5 kids I’m sure she wants other women to feel just as miserable...)
Did I also tell you they are hypocrites in the bargain?? No?? Lets see… Now you see the only idea the West has about Muslim women is that they all wear burqas and that is a very medieval concept… Married Jewish women however can wear sheitels and no one says a thing.. A sheitel is a wig worn by an Orthodox Jewish woman who is married because the only one who can see her natural hair is her husband. Some even shave off all their hair so that not a single strand is seen. Those who do not wear wigs wear scarves and caps and other stuff to keep their hair covered. That’s ok… Let a Muslim woman wear a burqa and poor her… What a horrible religion!!
They have no idea about the world they live in. Oh in India we all ride elephants and work on our laptops on them, yeah we have arranged marriages with the Great Indian Rope Trick for entertainment and besides when the poor bloke dies we toss his wifey in to the pyre, all this while being vegetarians and having cows roam the street. Yes, I do know quite a few people who were asked the questions to the above answers. Oh and the only other things about India are Kamasutra and Taj Mahal. They come to our country in droves, do drugs and die, travel in 3rd class compartments and complain about the filth, stay in seedy hotels and complain about the filth and all that they can do is complain. Makes me wonder why they come here in the first place. Oh and if you do like India wear Indian clothes. Not the normal ones the Indians wear but weird versions which look like pajamas. Top it off with a couple of bindi/henna tattoos, a dash of kohl and you’re done!!
And read any American’s blog on a visit to India. They are always surprised at the amount of English we speak!! And how much we know of other cultures, and if they ever meet an educated Indian (as once in a blue moon thing since they seem to hang around rickshaw pullers and street urchins) they will be astonished about the fact that the Indian knows about Western music, books and movies.
I know it sounds like a sad rant but I’ve just encountered too many idiots in the last few days… Primary of them being Mike of Where The Hell Is Mike.
As for my childhood dream of settling down there… Forget it!! I prefer getting a newspaper at my place, getting my hair cut in a parlor, calling a plumber or a maid and cable TV.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


It's 1:47 am, I'm still awake and having a panic attack..
No I do not have exams tomorrow or some important thing to do.. It's just that I just realised that my life is over... No stupid, I'm not dying (Though a lot of ppl may just b praying for such a momentous occasion).. I just realised I've grown up now, in another 10 months I may (and I stress on the MAY, becos i dnt knw who will hire me!!) have a job and I'll actually have to go to work of all things.. Never will I be able to bunk again, no more waking up at 3 in the afternoon.. I'll have a 9 to 5 job and I'm totaly freaking out... Where did my life go?? I miss college.. what about all those freaky things one does when in college?? what about those late night parties??
I've not even been to a disc for God's sake.. I cnt become a drone now!!! I mean I still got to do a whole lot of things.. For eg
  • Go to a disc..
  • Do tequila shots
  • Go to Goa w/o parental consent
  • Have a blast
  • Have a road trip
  • Stay out the whole night
  • Get a tattoo
  • Learn any Latin American dance (pref. tango) with Rajit
  • Bunk some more
  • Do reckless and irresponsible things which can be done only be free ppl..

I know this sounds immature and childish and I sound like a lazy slob, but my life feels incomplete now.. It craves adventure.. It craves new experiences.. I am unable to reconcile myself to a 9 to 5 job.. there is so much i want to do.. and so little time.. Maybe I've got Gypsy genes.. Maybe that's I have this craving to travel.. To look beyond the horizon.. To go somewhere.. For who knows whats waiting out there????

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Dilemma

Penny sent me a pic today.. contains my name on a farewell sheet in LIBA. That, coupled with the facts that if I hadn’t “screwed up” as ppl tell me I’d be finishing my studies and hopefully getting a job and late night orkutting sessions on viewing old frnds photo albums online, has made me feel retrospective. Was it right to have lazed around and done nothing and have my anger take the best of me?? Were my parents right that I could have had a better life and opportunities if I’d have gone back or hadn’t left in the 1st place?
Some part of me says, “Yes, you did let your anger towards your parents get the best of you. You could have just worked harder and hung around for another year, how hard could it be??” Just sometimes I feel maybe they were right.
But then I think of the past year and the new things I’ve done and experienced, all the new places I’ve seen, the people I’ve met and befriended, then I realize that this would not have been possible without leaving LIBA. 3 foreign countries in a year?? That would have seriously been impossible in my former life. Even the pleasure of seeing Rajit daily would have been a dream. And I certainly do not miss the stress and the anger which I just could not let go off. As I’ve told Ma Baba, “It maybe shit but it is my shit” maybe the feeling of being forced was so strong, maybe I would’ve stuck on if I didn’t feel that way. So many maybes, and no chance to find out if they would’ve ever been true. Chalo koi baat nai.. life goes on and I’ve moved on and I’ve my share of blessings and curses too. If I’m happy I’m unhappy too… and if I’ve lost I’ve gained too… though the only things I’ve seemed to lose is according to other ppl, opportunities, and life is full of them and it is a very very long life. What I’ve gained is a better sense of me, a feeling of fitting in, friends, a lot less lonely life, Rajit, experience and I’ve matured too. So I haven’t lost much really and gained a lot. Thank you for listening. My dilemma is now solved.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Autumn Cravings

I seem to have written about almost every season in my blog (enough to name it seasons change or something equally corny but I guess the present name suits well enough) other than spring and autumn. Since spring is a long way off I guess all I have to speak about is autumn, especially since it approaches. I can feel it in my bones, hear its whisper on the occasional chill wind, smell it in the morning, and of course see the changes that herald it… What does autumn mean to mean to me?? Apart from Pujas (that are the most important event on the Bengali calendar), the nonstop feeding that accompanies it (sorry L.H.O. cudnt help talking about food ;) ), Diwali and of course praying to the God of Death each year for a long and prosperous life for my brother on Bhai Phota. Strangely like most true blue Bangalis it means traveling… Anywhere will do… It is just an itch which won’t go away… Which is why I’m so itchy tonight, autumn calls me with its siren song to roam the world, to see new things, to explore and discover. And I can feel it physically, the need to go somewhere, anywhere overwhelms me, makes me feel like packing a bag and setting off. I spoke to Rajit and he called me a Ghumakkar, I guess I am… I must admit, the dingy smell of train stations, the sound of train on tracks, the feel of wind on your face as you stand near the door of the train or stick your head out of the car or even the breath-taking moment when the plane just rises off the land never fail to thrill me. Everything says “Come to me and I’ll show you things you’ve ever seen before.” Sitting by the Ganges and watching the aarti in Benaras, watching the moon rise over the sea in Goa, seeing the sunrise in Darjeeling or maybe just seeing the city light up from the hillock in Bangalore just thinking makes my heart beat faster. How about kissing your true love at midnight under the Cupid at Piccadilly Circus? How about climbing the Great Wall of China? Maybe even exploring the Sahara… or seeing the majestic Alhambra palace in Spain... Istanbul with the Hagia Sophia…Or the wilds of Mongolia… or the Carpathians with the wolves howling around you? How about Machu Pichu? So many places... so little time... sometimes I wonder if I should get a job to visit all these places… Live out of a suitcase and take your home with you... Maybe I’ve been reading too many novels of people having an extraordinary life so as to wish for one of my own. To be brutally honest, I find the mere idea of studying, getting a job, and spending my life worrying about bills and taxes boring beyond compare. Is there nothing to life other than that?? What about adventure, danger, risks?? Cos lets face it the only risk you take in real life is in crossing the road… People may call me impractical, living in world of my dreams and dreams don’t pay bills, but that’s the way I am. Normal is waaaaaaaaay too boring… I don’t want to be stuck in that same old life doing things everybody else is doing… I want to live the life of the Endless Traveler.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dedicated to dear T

Hello there!!! This post is a very special one... Dedicated to a person I call T .Personally I prefer to call her a whole bunch of unflattering names that would kinda question the circumstances of her birth, her family and her profession... However, since this is a family blog I’ll spare you all that...So why is T special?? Why dedicate an entire post to her??? Well, she along with a couple of other ppl are what I call “Orkut Losers” , an extremely jobless bunch of people who have nothing to do other than trawl through other ppls profiles, their communities and other stuff meant for perusal of ppl from whom one would invite acquaintance from and post comments about it on other communities. Apparently, the “IGNORE” button doesn’t work on them, if they can’t sling mud about you on your own scrapbook they’ll do it on a community and that 2 with help from another OL friend, (Someone’s been listening to the Beatles “I Get by with a Little Help from My Friends” a lot). Moreover, all this cos my best friend went and fell in love with a loser friend of hers and had the good sense to break it off (good for u R... Girl u ROCK!!!) .So while the loser ex has the good sense to stay away his pet bitch doesn’t. All cos we actually told her the unflattering truth about her (Come on girl, we r yr “frnds” and only yr frnds will tell u the truth abt u). I mean how jobless r u girl?? Btw, if u r reading this there is no way u can “Report Abuse” abt this blog, freedom of speech u see… Ha Ha Ha!!! So now what do we talk abt?? Her absolute lack of class? Her utter tackiness?? Alternatively, the utter lack of exposure of life outside the narrow streets of Behala?? I mean seriously I think that she has been born, brought up and god knows what in that flat and will probably spend her entire life there unless some unlucky guy happens to marry her... I would really pity the poor chap... Sometimes I think its just jealousy... Ppl have moved on since high school and even old enemies have become frnds in these 5 years. However, to continue on and on shows a serious lack of maturity.
Now, I’ll come to my revelation, as I wrote the post I realized that these are the signs of an attention seeking personality. So now, I feel nothing but pity for you. Stuck up in that same place for the last 22-23 years of your life… and in that same place, doing some nondescript degree, PG or maybe even some job (though who in their right mind would hire you is a question that baffles me), while the rest of us have something called “A LIFE” in IITs, IIMs, engineering or whatever fun stuff we were up to since we got out of high school. I REALLY REALLY REALLY pity you... So girl, get a life and stop being an OL I’m sure there are better things to do with your time. If you do not, well I can just tell you the track currently playing on my laptop (something I’m sure you are unfamiliar about), “What Goes around Comes Around”. Look it up in your dictionary.

P.S. Level Headed One I ain’t deleting this post... come what may, I’ll just ignore it. I had to get it out of my system... Hope you understand… As our new to-be-pitied-best-friend says :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Long live the rains.. After getting grilled, roasted and boiled in sequence the monsoons have arrived!!! Whether its drizzling, pouring, or just plain raining rain brings out the child in everyone.. Hearing the drops of water drip from the trees with a soft plink ponk sound is so soothing.. Just cuddle up under a comforter and let the rain sing you a lullaby.. Go out!! Get drenched!! Forget your grown up dignity and splash in puddles.. You have nothing to fear but colds.. Aaaaaaaah rains.. Also the time for yummy food!! The glutton in me salivates at the thought of all those finger-licking pakoras, samosas, kachoris, kichuri with begun and ilish maach bhaja. Speaking of ilish as we know the humble hilsa, this is literally the season to gorge on it.. In all forms.. from bhaanpa to bhaja, paturis, or just plain jhol.. This fish will tingle your tastebuds like no other.. All this talk of food is making me hungry!! and nostalgic for my Didur haather ranna ( food cooked by my grandmother). Rains also make my usually lazy self even more lazier!! I really envy all those ppl who are waterlogged.. Just call in sick and snooze away till kingdom come!! And rainy nights!! Do you need anymore excuse to cuddle up and "Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain" ?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some Of My Favourite Harry Belafonte Songs...

When i was a kid i used 2 sing this for me dad..

Mama Look A Boo Boo

I wonder why nobody don't like me
Or is it the fact that I'm ugly?
I wonder why nobody don't like me
Or is it the fact that I'm ugly?

I leave my whole house and home
My children don't want me no more
Bad talk inside de house dey bring
And when I talk they start to sing:

Mama, look a boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so

Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey

I couldn't even digest me supper
Due to the children's behavior
John (Yes, pa)-come here a moment
Bring de belt, you're much too impudent
John says it's James who started first
James tells the story in reverse
I drag my belt from off me waist
You should hear them screamin' round de place

Mama, look at boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so

Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)

So I began to question the mother
These children ain't got no behavior
So I began to question the mother
These children ain't got no behavior

They're playing with you my wife declared
You should be proud of them, my dear
These children were taught too bloomin' slack
That ain't no kind of joke to crack

Mama, look at boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so

Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
Shut your mout', Go away

Day-O (Banana Boat Song)

Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and he wan' go home
Day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and he wan' go home

Work all night on a drink a'rum
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Stack banana till thee morning come
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot, BUNCH!
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, BUNCH!
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Day, he say day-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day

(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

A beautiful bunch a'ripe banana
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Hide thee deadly black tarantula
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot, BUNCH!
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, BUNCH!
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Day, he say day-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day

(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Come, Mr. Tally Mon, tally me banana
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)
Day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day, he say day-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and he wan' go home)

Harry Belafonte - Man Smart (Woman Smarter)

I say let us put man and a woman together
To find out which one is smarter
Some say man but I say no
The woman got the man de day should know

And not me but the people they say
That de man are leading the women astray
But I say, that the women of today
Smarter than the man in every way
That’s right de woman is uh smarter
That’s right de woman is uh smarter
That’s right de woman is uh smarter, that’s right, that’s right

Ever since the world began
Woman was always teaching man
And I you listen to my bid attentively
I goin’ tell you how she smarter than me

Samson was the strongest man long ago
No one could a beat him, as we all know
Until he clash with Deliah on top of the bed
She told them all the strength was in the hair of his head

You meet a girl at a pretty dance
Thinking that you would stand a chance
Take her home, thinking she’s alone
Open de door you find her husband home

I was treating a girl independently
She was making baby for me
When de baby born and I went to see
Eyes was blue it was not by me

Garden of Eden was very nice
Adam never work in Paradise
Eve meet snake, Paradise gone
She make Adam work from that day on

Methusaleh spent all his life in tears
Lived without a woman for 900 years
One day he decided to have some fun
The poor man never lived to see 900 and on

Harry Belafonte - Come Back Liza Lyrics

Whenever I'm away from Liza, water come to me eye
Every time I'm away from Liza, water come to me eye

Come back Liza, come back girl
Wipe the tear from me eye
Come back Liza, come back girl
Wipe the tear from me eye

When the evening starts to fall, water come to me eye
I need to hear my liza call, water come to me eye


Standing here in the marketplace, water come to me eye
I need to see my Liza's face, water come to me eye


Whenever I'm away from Liza, water come to me eye
Whenever I'm away from Liza, water come to me eye

Chorus (Repeat)