Thursday, May 01, 2008


It's 1:47 am, I'm still awake and having a panic attack..
No I do not have exams tomorrow or some important thing to do.. It's just that I just realised that my life is over... No stupid, I'm not dying (Though a lot of ppl may just b praying for such a momentous occasion).. I just realised I've grown up now, in another 10 months I may (and I stress on the MAY, becos i dnt knw who will hire me!!) have a job and I'll actually have to go to work of all things.. Never will I be able to bunk again, no more waking up at 3 in the afternoon.. I'll have a 9 to 5 job and I'm totaly freaking out... Where did my life go?? I miss college.. what about all those freaky things one does when in college?? what about those late night parties??
I've not even been to a disc for God's sake.. I cnt become a drone now!!! I mean I still got to do a whole lot of things.. For eg
  • Go to a disc..
  • Do tequila shots
  • Go to Goa w/o parental consent
  • Have a blast
  • Have a road trip
  • Stay out the whole night
  • Get a tattoo
  • Learn any Latin American dance (pref. tango) with Rajit
  • Bunk some more
  • Do reckless and irresponsible things which can be done only be free ppl..

I know this sounds immature and childish and I sound like a lazy slob, but my life feels incomplete now.. It craves adventure.. It craves new experiences.. I am unable to reconcile myself to a 9 to 5 job.. there is so much i want to do.. and so little time.. Maybe I've got Gypsy genes.. Maybe that's I have this craving to travel.. To look beyond the horizon.. To go somewhere.. For who knows whats waiting out there????