Saturday, October 04, 2008

I'm tired of idiots

A long time ago I had a fight with a friend, I wanted to settle down in the US and she thought that the country was the den of iniquity, with pre-marital sex and other “sinful” activities. I, being brought up on a steady diet of cartoons, novels, TV serials like Small Wonder and parental advice thought that the streets in US are paved in gold.
Now I’m 23 and I look back on that day and think I was a fool. Not that I feel that it is a den of iniquity like my friend but because I feel it is a very narrow minded country, a country which has failed to keep up with the times and a country whose people have little or no idea about the outside world.
Many of you maybe surprised because I call it a narrow minded country, strong words from a person whose country “burns widows” , but I have no other words to describe a country which still debates abortion ( a basic choice I feel every woman should have), whether or not to teach their kids the Theory of Evolution, whether a woman can hold any important role in the government and where they have weird things like Purity Balls where girls as young as 14 (an age when you still don’t know right from wrong) pledge in front of their fathers (in a very freaky wedding like situation) to remain virgins until they marry.
They say we consider our women to be second class citizens, I disagree, true, gender bias is one of the most rampant social evils in our country and women do not feel safe, but tell me are they safe in US?? Are they not molested, teased, harassed?? Are they not shoved into polygamous sects?? If women in our country are 2nd class citizens then why have we been given the right to vote since our democracy came into being?? Why have we had a woman Prime Minister, President and a Vice President?? We’ve had minorities taking office in our country (we’ve been ruled by Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus) in a democracy that is only 60 years old while 400 year old democracies still debate about a black president (the only minority contender so far). Their woman VP candidate is a joke. She has 5 kids!! 5 can you imagine?? (Ok Rabri has 9 but she isn’t standing for VP). One of the kids is 17 and is pregnant!! What joy!!! She can’t control her kids and wants to control the country!! And she is against abortion (I can guess why, after having 5 kids I’m sure she wants other women to feel just as miserable...)
Did I also tell you they are hypocrites in the bargain?? No?? Lets see… Now you see the only idea the West has about Muslim women is that they all wear burqas and that is a very medieval concept… Married Jewish women however can wear sheitels and no one says a thing.. A sheitel is a wig worn by an Orthodox Jewish woman who is married because the only one who can see her natural hair is her husband. Some even shave off all their hair so that not a single strand is seen. Those who do not wear wigs wear scarves and caps and other stuff to keep their hair covered. That’s ok… Let a Muslim woman wear a burqa and poor her… What a horrible religion!!
They have no idea about the world they live in. Oh in India we all ride elephants and work on our laptops on them, yeah we have arranged marriages with the Great Indian Rope Trick for entertainment and besides when the poor bloke dies we toss his wifey in to the pyre, all this while being vegetarians and having cows roam the street. Yes, I do know quite a few people who were asked the questions to the above answers. Oh and the only other things about India are Kamasutra and Taj Mahal. They come to our country in droves, do drugs and die, travel in 3rd class compartments and complain about the filth, stay in seedy hotels and complain about the filth and all that they can do is complain. Makes me wonder why they come here in the first place. Oh and if you do like India wear Indian clothes. Not the normal ones the Indians wear but weird versions which look like pajamas. Top it off with a couple of bindi/henna tattoos, a dash of kohl and you’re done!!
And read any American’s blog on a visit to India. They are always surprised at the amount of English we speak!! And how much we know of other cultures, and if they ever meet an educated Indian (as once in a blue moon thing since they seem to hang around rickshaw pullers and street urchins) they will be astonished about the fact that the Indian knows about Western music, books and movies.
I know it sounds like a sad rant but I’ve just encountered too many idiots in the last few days… Primary of them being Mike of Where The Hell Is Mike.
As for my childhood dream of settling down there… Forget it!! I prefer getting a newspaper at my place, getting my hair cut in a parlor, calling a plumber or a maid and cable TV.


Seoulful Sagas said...


I should say it is a really well written post!!!! i luved the way u drew references and compared them. the post does make sense!!! keep up the good work.
Ps-I am on the same wave lenght and agree with all the views!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow ! i do agree with you 100%.
Look at the way Indians are potrayed in their movies too .. bright coloured ghagra choli with obnoxiously huge bindi .. something we wud rather die than being spotted wearing ! Moreover look at the comments made by Ms. Rice .. indians eat way too much .. someone who belongs to a country where the obesity rate is at its highest peak! High time we shud stop running behind firang dreams.
This is one of ur best post